Deprecation Note

We published the last version of Graylog Documentation before the release of Graylog 4.2. Now, all documentation and help content for Graylog products are available at

There will be no further updates to these pages as of October 2021.

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API concepts

Graylog uses certain patterns in its code bases to make it easier to write extensions. It is important to know about these to be successful in writing custom for it.

You can browse the Graylog Javadoc documentation for details on each class and method mentioned here.

Factory Class

Many newer Graylog extension points split the common aspects of custom code into three different classes:

  • instance creation - an, usually inner, interface commonly called Factory

  • configuration - the factory returns a ConfigurationRequest instance (or a wrapped instance of it), commonly called Config

  • descriptor - the factory returns a display descriptor instance, commonly called Descriptor

Say Graylog exposes an extension point interface called ExtensionPoint, which contains inner interfaces calles Factory, Config and Descriptor. An implementation of ExtensionPoint then looks as following:

public AwesomeExtension implements ExtensionPoint {

        public interface Factory extends ExtensionPoint.Factory {
                AwesomeExtension create(Decorator decorator);

                AwesomeExtension.Config getConfig();

                AwesomeExtension.Descriptor getDescriptor();

        public static class Config implements ExtensionPoint.Config {
                public ConfigurationRequest getRequestedConfiguration() {
                        return new ConfigurationRequest();

        public static class Descriptor extends ExtensionPoint.Descriptor {
                public Descriptor() {
                        super("awesome", "", "Awesome Extension");

This pattern is used to prevent instantiation of extensions just to get their descriptor or configuration information, because some extensions might be expensive to set up or require some external service and configuration to work.

The factory itself is built using Guice’s assisted injection for auto-wired factories. This allows plugin authors (and Graylog’s internals as well) to cleanly describe their extension as well as taking advantage of dependency injection.

To register such an extension, Graylog typically offers a convenience method via its Guice modules (GraylogModule or PluginModule). For example alert conditions follow the same pattern and are registered as such:

public class SampleModule extends PluginModule {
        // other methods omitted for clarity
        protected void configure() {